When MobiCam first connects to your MobiCam app account it may display as offline temporarily. Please refresh the app and see if the camera comes online.
Tap the still picture to see if it will open your live video feed.
The LED indicator light on the front of your MobiCam is very helpful when attempting to troubleshoot offline problems. Read about this light and what it's colors and patterns mean here.
MobiCam offers a full HD 1280 x 720 live video stream. The recommended WiFi download speed is minimum 20 Mbps (megabytes per second). The recommended upload speed is estimated no less than 7 - 10 Mbps. If you have multiple MobiCams, you may need higher speeds.
Here is how to test your WiFi speeds:
- Stand next to the location of your MobiCam
- Make sure your mobile device is connected to your 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi
- Open Google.com and search “speed test”
- Select “Run Speed Test”
This will first test your download speed, and then your upload speed ; and display both results once complete.
If your Wi-Fi speeds are lower than what we recommend, we understand upgrading internet bandwidth is not always an option; but there could be a few workarounds.
For the initial setup of your MobiCam, relocate as close to your Wi-Fi router as possible. MobiCam can be relocated after establishing the connection.
If your MobiCam previously operated correctly, and now your Wi-Fi speeds are lower resulting in your camera displaying as offline, this is a common issue. Naturally over time, you add more devices to your Wi-Fi or begin utilizing it more. This takes away from the speeds available for each device connected.
If you have multiple other devices connected and running on your Wi-Fi that require higher speeds, or are located closer to your router; these devices will take priority over your MobiCams. Thus, leaving very little speeds left for your MobiCams to operate on.
Another option maybe getting the router closer to your MobiCam or purchasing a Wi-Fi booster/extender for your home. Distance and your surroundings play a big factor in Wi-Fi strength - the greater the distance from the Wi-Fi router, the weaker the signal. Dense walls also can greatly weaken your Wi-Fi signal strength and slow down your internet dramatically.
Reset your modem/router! A quick reset can always help correct small bugs and issues with any electronic device.
Turn off and reduce the amount of other devices utilizing your Wi-Fi to free up some speed. If your MobiCam comes online, this is a great indicator that you may need more bandwidth.
Lastly, contacting your internet provider is always a great idea. Power/service outages in your area can occur without the user's knowledge. Your router and internet devices can even sometimes be outdated, causing slower speeds.
Additionally, some network providers have basic firewalls for your security. MobiCam is registered as an IP Camera and certain firewalls may block it's internet access as a safety precaution. If you unaware of any firewalls, it is recommend to let your provider you know that you are attempting to set up a IP Camera on your home Network and ask if any firewall would prevent the camera from having internet access.
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